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Originally Posted by chipjoyce View Post
What would not feel like a workaround is to have a designated someday-maybe "area" that is separate, but that does not reveal next actions in context views, because they do not have next actions yet.
You might try creating a Someday/Maybe folder in OF and setting the status of the folder to "Dropped". Folders don't have an "On Hold" status, but a "Dropped" folder behaves like an "On Hold" one would in every sense. The contained items don't show up as available, but aren't archived by the auto-archive command. I use a Dropped folder to store template projects and it works well.

To keep those items outside of Omnifocus does not make sense.
Keeping them outside OF makes perfect sense to me. It keeps the OF database lighter and lowers my resistance to putting more "out there" items on my list, since they are psychically further away from the actionable items that I've committed to. But to each his/her own.
