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I really want to move from Things to OmniFocus but these two things are stopping me.

1) Ordered list of things to accomplish today
I know there isn't a Today concept in OmniFocus, and I'm OK with that. But the most productive days I have is when I look at everything that I need to do, and I create a list of say 7 things that I want to accomplish that day, in the order I want to accomplish them and then I do them. I see that I can flag the things I want to do, which I think is awkward, but I can't order the flagged list. I could also create a new project or context for things I want to do today that I can order but then I'd move the other items out of their proper project or context. Is there any other way to create an ordered list of things that I want to do today?

2) Remind me in advance of something I need to do at a particular date
I do this a lot with Things and maybe I'm missing something in OmniFocus. Say my taxes are due on 15 April every year. I set that up as a recurring event. But, I also want it to show up 6 weeks before to remind me that I should start working on it then. It there any way with OmniFocus to do this or do I just have to keep checking things that are due the next few month to make sure I want to work on it. Do I just set a start date?

3) Dates without a time
Most of my things that are due on a date are just due that day. I don't need to have them done by a specific time. Is there any way to assign a date without a time or do I have to put 11:59pm on all of these which is a pain?