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Originally Posted by JKT
Contrived? Absolutely not. Every single point I made is something I need from my tabs. Look, I am constantly moving between a lot of tabs (and I mean tens to hundreds spread over many Workspaces) so I do need to be able to see what is in each of them, I do need to be able to access each of them as quickly as I can. So I do care about each and every one of those points I made and the fact that the vertical thumbnail tabs solves each and every one of them for me is great.
When my wife moved to Mac OS X, I tried to put her on Safari at first. Standard, included with the OS, etc. Unfortunately, she quickly exceeded it. While I may only open a handful of tabs, she opens hundreds and hundreds - and quickly brought Safari to its knees. My next attempt was to put her on OmniWeb, both due to its handling of massive numbers of tabs and its session restoring features. Unfortunately, she has an iBook. OmniWeb is simply unusable on such a system - too many sites require 800 or 1024 pixel-wide screens, and it made browsing too difficult. Finally, I gave up on OS integration and put her on Firefox 2.0 with Flashblock. She loves it, and I sigh as things like keychain integration, native UI, and other things that make the Mac the Mac go unused. If she had a widescreen, she'd be on OmniWeb in a heartbeat.

For me, a tab bar just wastes space. With a handful of tabs, either you have a big chunk of unused whitespace, or a bunch of thumbnails. Those thumbnails don't do me any good when each is a different forum page I opened in tabs, or a bunch of MacUpdate pages. Even when they are distinct, I want to focus on the page I'm on, not a bunch of maybe-colorful thumbnails. But it's that, waste a lot of space, or simply not use OmniWeb, and then lose out of all of the other features.

As you can tell, it drives me bonkers. :) I wouldn't complain so bitterly if I didn't desperately want to use OmniWeb.