Thread: Sorting
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Originally Posted by mgorman85 View Post
I've been having issues with OmniFocus not wanting to sort anything. Whether I try to tell it to sort by name, date, etc., it still won't sort. I would like to have my projects viewed by due date, but when I tell it to sort, it doesn't change the order of any of my tasks, regardless of the order. Has anyone else had this problem?
Yes, others have had this (understanding) problem. You won't be the last, either :-)

This is the key: "I would like to have my projects viewed by due date, but when I tell it to sort, it doesn't change the order of any of my tasks"

If you are looking at projects, the view bar does its sorting on projects, not tasks. It just changes the order in which the projects are displayed. If you are looking at tasks in the context mode view, it does the sorting on tasks. No changes are made to your database. If you tell it to sort by due date, it will arrange the projects by order of the project's due date (task due dates will not factor into this) from earliest to latest, followed by the projects with no due dates. The contents of each project will look identical to when you didn't have them sorted. If you want to see a list of actions you need to get done sorted by due date, that is best accomplished in context mode, where the list will be made up on an action by action basis, and the individual due dates used for the sorting.

Now, if you actually want to change the order of your tasks in a project, or your projects in the sidebar, that's a different kettle of fish, and in general is not just a rearrangement of the display. To do this variety of sorting, you select the items you want to sort, then choose Edit->Sort->(sort key) and it permanently rearranges them, just as if you had dragged them into the desired order. You need to think carefully before doing this, however, because if your tasks were supposed to be executed in a specific sequence, sorting them by date added, or name, or whatever probably will destroy that sequence!