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Originally Posted by Deedubau View Post
After now owning an iMac (and Macbook pro) I'm starting to see why many Mac only software don't have Windows alternatives. There's a certain level of visual aesthetic and consistency you see in most (if not all) Mac software and it makes many Windows software look plain and boring in comparison.
Not only did the Mac team put a lot of effort into the appearance of the Apple software, they put a lot of effort into making sure other developers could and would do the same for their own software. Sit down to build a Mac application and there are plenty of examples of how to do something that looks good and works well, and the bar is set high. On the Windows side, well...the same thing happens, except Microsoft left the bar on the floor :-)
Right now I'm extremely pleased with the iPhone 1.10 update (minus how completed inbox items still disappear right after you check them off which drives me nuts)
When do you want them to disappear? If you set the "Clean Up completed Inbox items" preference in the Data section of the Mac OmniFocus preferences, they should stay visible until you switch views. This is one of the preferences that gets synced.