Thread: swissdisk down?
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Originally Posted by dbabbage View Post
What is the process I should follow to migrate to a new shared database, so that I can get back to synching on a new host without losing any of these tasks that have been added on each computer?
Probably the best approach is to have the support ninjas help you through this if you've got outstanding changes on multiple clients and can't lose any of them. Call them at 1-800-315-OMNI during Pacific time business hours and they'll walk you through it. That said, I'll give you a rough sketch of what you need to do:

You can use sorting or grouping by date changed and date added to help you track down any changes made on a given client (except the iPhone) since the last time they were all in sync. I would do that on each of the computers, then tell the iPhone to sync its database to the new server, keeping the iPhone's copy, if asked. Then on each computer, tell it to make a backup of the current database, then sync to the new server database, taking the new server's data. Open up the backup you made, drag over any new actions you created since the last sync from the backup to the new live data, and reapply any other changes you made (completing actions, changing dates, etc.) which you found above. Repeat this drill for each computer and you should be back in business.

For the future, sync is usually more efficient if only one machine at a time has outstanding changes, and it's a lot easier to recover from the server getting wiped out -- you just tell the machine that has the most recent data to sync to the new server to regenerate the server database, without the tedium of finding each machine's local unsynced changes. You might consider setting up a backup server account on another provider, so in the future when one fails, you can immediately switch and not end up with multiple machines with unsynced changes. I'm guessing that you maybe only got into that situation because Swissdisk was out of action far longer (and more catastrophically) than expected, and you wanted to get some work done at the different machines. Not such a problem if the server eventually comes back with your sync database intact, but a pain when it doesn't!