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Troublemaker :)

It's a little trickier with Bonjour. Quit OmniFocus on both devices (hopefully it hasn't gotten a chance to step on the good copy of the database on the iPhone!). Then go to the Library/Application Support/OmniFocus folder in your home directory. Rename OmniFocus.ofocus to Old OmniFocus.ofocus. Now connect to the Syncronization Data/Documents folder in that directory and do the same with the copy of OmniFocus.ofocus you find there. Having done this, you can restart OmniFocus on the desktop. It will give you the default new database, which is okay. Now launch OmniFocus on the iPhone and force a sync. It will notice that the two databases don't match and ask whether you want to keep the device database or the sync database. You want to be sure to answer Keep Device Database! Now have the desktop do a sync, which should get you the "Replace database and start syncing?" dialog. Answer affirmatively and you should be done.

Might not be a bad idea to plug your iPhone in with the cable and do a sync/backup before this whole procedure, just as a bit of insurance.