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The built-in "Due" perspective operates in Context mode, which doesn't allow you to arbitrarily rearrange the items in the listing. You do have some control with the View bar settings, and the ability to close the various groupings by the little triangles. One variation that you might conceivably employ would be to group by due and sort by project. Another might be to specify a shorter duration, if you had a limited block of time, or flagged items if you use the flags as a priority indication (or any sort of indication, for that matter). If you come up with a variation that seems to have potential future usefulness to you, you can save it with the Perspectives functionality.

If you do employ the group by due and sort by project, you can have some rearrangement capability by reordering the projects in the sidebar in project mode. You'll move all of the actions for a project in a clump by doing so, so you can't make any possible ordering, but maybe it will do what you need.

Yet another option if you're determined to make an arbitrarily ordered task list is to simply drag the actions in the order you want them into a TextEdit document and work them from there. You'll end up with links back to the OmniFocus document which you can click to jump to a new window with the action in question selected.