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I don't use Spaces, but I flip back and forth between apps frequently with cmd-tab. To do the Mail->OF thing, I would go to OF to dig out the project or task where I wanted to attach a link to the email, open its note field, cmd-tab back to Mail, click and start dragging the mail message from the list, without releasing the mouse or trackpad button, cmd-tab to go back to OF, finish the drag and drop it in the note. Looks like the default setting in Spaces switches you to a space with open windows for the application you are switching to, so there's no extra work. I do this operation whether I'm on an 11" MBA or 27" iMac (w/Magic TrackPad) as I've usually got a pile of windows in each app and can't see both source and destination at the same time. Just don't let go before you've gotten to the target app!