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Originally Posted by defilmj View Post
I think Bonjour indeed will work perfect for me. I do need to only sync with my MBP. Can't use DDNS as all services are via proxies and monitored based on regulations. Bonjour would be a big win. I noticed it in setup, but I suspect it is not working with iphone yet. So it looks like we are getting closer by the day. I have to wait... not like there is another REAL alternative... I have looked, and there are systems that are all more effort than capturing the "inbox" instantly because the data becomes difficult to work with. Omnifocus is the closest thing to GTD method. Iphone is my "Capture it at a moments notice" when you don't have a notebook with you. Always have my Iphone.... Perfect.
Hmm, okay, a couple more questions/ideas:

Are you allowed to use your airport interface on your MBP? If not, I'm not sure that Bonjour will be of any more use to you.

If you can use the wireless interface, can you turn on your MBP's web server and connect to it from the iPhone using the your-machine-name.local address (which will be displayed in the Sharing pane in System Preferences), possibly creating your own wireless network?

You might see if your IT group would be willing to set a longer default lease time for your MBP's mac address, like the length of a work day. Setting the address once a day might not be as onerous as every 4 hours!