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Originally Posted by ambi View Post
How about using the already-set-up Due Items perspective and set the view ribbon to filter out all non-flagged items? This isn't exactly what you want, but it certainly will show all your flagged items, sorted and grouped by due date.
Yes, this is trivial - but only gives me %50 of what I'm looking for - "Not Exactly" is generous ;-)

Due dates and flags have similar but distinct meanings in my system (more so with the iPhone - now).

Due is concrete due dates in the proper use of them. Flagged are things I've bumped to be "near term" priorities - but with no hard due date.

These two things combined are my "hotlist" of things I need to be focusing on first.

A few months ago, I would have agreed that arbitrary meta-data, tags, and smart folders would be a better way to go. But now, I think my attitude has changed. The problem I have with less structured applications (eg, Things, which I think is actually quite good) is that I invariably end up tweaking things, reshuffling things, reorganizing, and just fluffing around instead of actually getting things done.
I've been on and and off active on this forum since midway through the 1.0 beta cycle - and the general discussion topic you bring up has been very well hashed out many times. BTW, arbitrary metadata has already been disclosed as being on the roadmap as a future feature.

I think I have a pretty clear point about wanting to see flagged and due items - and perspectives doesn't do it.
