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Originally Posted by psidnell View Post
My choice would be to smash the two tools together to produce one huge Godzilla scale application, but just imagine the size of the user manual!
i don't share the view (or don't appreciate the fact if it is one) that the data for any particular action need be so incompatible between the apps, and i think at least optional linking of any action or group of actions or projects to omnifocus from omniplan, plus automatic updating on completion in both apps should be implemented sharpish.

i don't see (in my wisdom) any reason why focus and plan views need not simply be different views in one app, or act as if they were one app... one with a focus on planning, and the other on execution.

i've yet to reply to a lengthy explanation from one of the development team of why omni apps should not be integrated into an omnisuite, but i didn't find it entirely convincing. it's as much a conceptual difference as a technical one. where there's a will there's a way...