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Originally Posted by boonespooner View Post
Hi there - I'm just throwing this out there, don't know how useful this would be for others. I would find it really useful if I could set the arrangement of my projects (obviously in project view) to be projects with most tasks on top, and projects with fewest, or no tasks at the bottom of the list. Perhaps this could also tie in with Priority of tasks within. I know that's not exactly the way that this should be used, but it is something that would help clarify in the projects view which project is getting behind etc etc.
That would make sense if you always entered every step of your project in the project list. Most of us don't do that for all of our projects, because we do planning as necessary. One of my current projects involves planning a one-day meeting, and it has something like 15 actions on it. Another involves writing a 400-page book, and it currently has only three actions on it. I'll decide on the others as they occur to me, or when those three are done. But the book is the more important project, and I'll be behind on it if I don't get those three actions done soon.

In other words, the number of actions in OmniFocus is not necessarily equal to the number of remaining actions. One principle of GTD is that you shouldn't overplan. With some projects, knowing the one action that you have to do next is sufficient planning.