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Hmm. Is everybody seeing their tasks based on start dates? Only items with Due dates are showing up on my calendar. Maybe I'm misinterpreting SHINFU'S comment above.

Potentially Important Note: I have some items that don't have Due Dates, only Start Dates.

Okay, another question:
In iCal, when I look at a Due item in my calendar, the Get Info on the even shows the OmniFocus link, but it's not clickable. I get that it's supposed to work on the iphone (mine crashes OF, but that's a different story), but I thought someone in this thread (Greg?) mentioned that you can click the link in iCal and go to the item in OmniFocus. Or is he using a sneaky peek of 1.7?

Despite my trying to learn everything about everything, this calendar update is just game changing. So stoked.