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I unintentionally tend to do a similar thing.

I usually review my day ahead on my iMac at home in the evening. I work through my projects picking out the main tasks I want to achieve the following day and move projects between my folders to re-prioritise then. I close completed tasks and add any new ones before syncing to the iPad and iPhone.

When I get to work in the morning I use the iPad to work my way through my morning check lists, which include checking ticklers, emails, calendars, night shift logs etc and updating my plans accordingly before doing one last review for the day a head.

During the day I then carry an A5 hard backed book around with me and tend to scribble notes and my plans into that throughout the day. My final review in the morning tends to be adding my most important tasks and plans to the notebook I then leave the iPad on my desk as where I work is not the sort of environment for an expensive electronic device. When I return to my office I will occasionally update the iPad or refer back to it this, but I still haven't made this an automatic reaction and often neglect to look at it again during the day. I also work in a windows only environment so I don't have access to OF from my desk other than via the iPad. So I still tend to work via my notebook throughout the day or react to what comes up during the day.

In the evening back at home, I update OF from my notebook. I also start my plan for tomorrow back into the notebook. Due to using a paper based notebook I hardly ever tinker with my system during the day but its more through being too busy to look at the iPad than through any good intention on my part.

Recently I've added an iPhone to my gadget collection and I am now slowly starting to get this into my workflow during the day, as I do carry my phone around with me. At the moment I mainly use the iPhone as a way to add new actions to my system. I purposely avoid adding a project or context at this stage so it leaves new items in the inbox. This makes it easier to review them later as I can quickly see all the new tasks I've added in one place.

Last edited by Cypher; 2013-04-08 at 09:33 AM..