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I'm another DevonThink Pro Office user for this stuff. To put things in perspective, I keep my "verbs" in OmniFocus and my "nouns" in DevonThink. For projects, I create a link to a DevonThink folder and put it in the header information for the project... that way I can quickly get to it. You can also put the reciprocal doclink in DevonThink to the OmniFocus project.

In practice, the way this might work for something like a doctors bill that comes in and has some problem. The bill comes into my inbasket from the mailbox. I open it and put it in my Fujitsu scanner. While its scanning and converting to searchable PDF, I go into OmniFocus and create an Action to call the doctor to discuss the bill. By now, the thing is in my DevonThink Inbasket. I go there and its the first one on the list. I grab a doclink and drop it into the OmniFocus action, along with any notes. Then when I later get to that Action to do, I can open the bill in DevonThink with a click... and use DevonThink's markup tools to take notes on the bill. Eventually the action gets closed in OmiFocus, but the bill will stay in my timeless records, along with notes about it.

I do take notes about actions that are not timeless and only important in the completion of the action... but I don't put anything in there that I would want to refer back to. I've started a rolling journal RTF file in each of my DevonThink project folders that I use to keep a log of actions for each project.

This verb/noun thinking helps me keep things in the right place.