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Originally Posted by chrjohns
The context lists really seem to be the most important part of the GTD process because they are the lists that you review when you actually want to get some work done. The project list is just one way of getting next actions onto your context lists.
I think you've hit the sticking point for me with so many of these GTD-style applications; they want to focus on projects and priorities, when projects are holding places for potential Next Actions, and priority is irrelevant in my understanding of the true a GTD workflow.

GTD is supposed to help you deal with sudden changes in your contexts and priorities, where "priority" is determined by your context, energy level and time available, not by a scale of 1 to 5 in a productivity application. Merlin Mann illustrates it much better than I can:

If you have a bunch of parallel projects, maybe you have a bunch of stuff that really belongs in a context list instead.

Hmm... something to ponder while I await my pre-release invite...