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Originally Posted by kman42 View Post
I totally agree with the original poster and started a thread about it a couple days ago. It seems incredibly silly to have to create a context for every individual action that needs a location. That is just an unnecessary level added to the hierarchy and it goes against good outlining practice: you shouldn't create a single subitem as it could just as easily be one level up. Not to mention that it adds a lot of extra effort for a just making a To Do so that I can remember to get my haircut. There is absolutely no reason that I should have to make an action and a context to find the nearest barber.
I'm the original poster, and the more I think about using this feature, the more I agree with this viewpoint ;)

Seems like we need to be able to attach items to contexts AND items. The idea of having contexts with locations is great and fits very well into the Contexts model. However, I also agree that making up contexts for a single item is a pain.

I will try it out and see how I feel about it once I use it a bit, though. Maybe I'll change my mind.