Thread: Appointments
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Here is some info I've been sending back & forth to the kind folks at Omni. They are a little resistant on this issue for some reason - can't figure it out. It's like if O.F. wouldn't let you type a "Q"!


We do alot of user interface consulting, and I think your programmers may have gotten a bit too close to the project ( it's really, really easy to wind up there and that fact explains just about every awkward and confusing UI out there - you wouldn't believe some of the stuff we see that well meaning programmers honestly believe if obvious to the general public ).

O.F. does in-fact create 3 very different kinds of information - a To-Do (a task) an Event ( something that is specific in date, i.e <Mary's Birthday> ) and an Appointment (something that is specific to both time AND space : you have to be at <the restaurant> at <the date : the time> ).

• a <task> with no <Date> = <To-do>

• a <task> + <Date> = <Event> (or an "all day event" in iCal terms):

• a <task> + <Date> + <Time> = Appointment

Simple, clear, yes?

So, the To-do's wind up in iCal's to-do menus, the Event's wind up as all day events in iCal, the appointments would be in the calendar itself.

If you think about it, it's kinda crazy that OF doesn't do the above. Now the user has to use two different programs to achieve one task (via the GTD system anyways) You have to look and maintain your OF list, then switch over to the calendar and maintain and look at that info, how do you keep them insync? always looking at the to-do menu?).

I was just about to purchase OF as I figured it did the above - but it's a deal breaker for me - but now I'll have to wait to see if the above gets implemented.

I've been watching OF since it first came out and I've been impressed with the improvements in the overall UI - you guys do have a potential winner here - you just need the implement the above and get an API that other developers can access - link it with OmniProject - and you've got your "Word".