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Originally Posted by SpiralOcean View Post
Workaround suggestion:
place those projects you want to review every three days into a folder.
When you review items, select that folder and you'll only see the projects you've marked to review every three days.
Thanks. I don't really want to move them. (I JUST re-implemented a folder structure so I'm loathe to change it just now.)

My current workaround is to put the ones I don't want to see that review in the next week on hold and toggle between Remaining and Available Projects as necessary.

I then focused on the ones that review in the next week (which prompted my other thread about the keyboard shortcut not working for me and it opening Evernote instead) and then switching to Context view to work through things.

I've been putting off sitting down and developing my own, workable perspectives for a while now. I'm just really frustrated that now that I'm actually doing it, I'm hitting so many stumbling blocks. And the biggest frustration is that I'm always second guessing whether it's my own misinterpretation that's making things not do what I'm thinking it should do. And now that my most recent issue is cross-application...grrr.