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One feature I'd like to see in OF is the ability to auto-delete contexts that haven't been used for a while. Ideally a user-configurable setting. So, if, for example, I haven't used a context for a month, it magically disappears.

The reason I'd like this is I often use people as a context. So, if I assign something to Jim, my action list has Jim as the context. This way I can follow up. I do this because OF doesn't explicitly support the "waiting for" state in any other fashion.

Anyway, I can have stuff I assign here and there, sometimes as a one off. I don't really want to have to manually clean up contexts when I have a lot of stales ones. It would be great if they could get automatically removed. Pressing Command+Enter when I want add a new one is very easy, so I'm not bothered if they get removed and I need to re-add them.

Does anyone else think this would be useful?