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So, no, please don't cross your fingers and spend your $50 completely on faith. Tell us what you need to be able to make an informed decision, and we'll do our best to help you reach one.
I happen to believe it is worth $50 if you need it (designers, network admins, even filmmakers;-) ). But, it is a good point that not everyone will get "pro" mileage out of the app. One HUGE feature that I think will make the price easier to swallow is one of those "hidden" functions of the desktop OG: Outlining. I didn't see it in the videos you've posted, but my desktop OG workflow is basically: Outline, apply template, then diddle around with my thoughts.

If Omni could shine some light on whether textual outlining is built into the iPad app, or how well it translates when you open the iPad created graffles on your Mac, then I think it really could help explain what the app is for.

On the desktop, OG is so multifunctional one doesn't even know where to begin with explaining what it does. I used it the other day just to do a little Photoshoppery without actually opening that hog of an app. OG isn't (necessarily) mindmapping software, but it's great at that, and it's not outlining software, but it's amazing at that....just like it's not a photoshop replacement, but it's great as that too! When the iPad version makes as much sense as the desktop version functionally (to you, user) then $50 will make sense.

Also, stand strong against the "race to the bottom" omni! This doesn't seem like a widget and it SHOULDN'T be $2.99.