Thread: OmniCalendar?
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I sent OG an e-mail about this today, actually. Here's my reasoning:

one thing i think OF would really benefit from is a way of visualizing upcoming deadlines (ie in the form of a calendar). I'm sort of warned by the orange number but it's not enough. When I choose to end up doing tasks tends to depend a lot on how soon they're due and how soon that is in relation to other deadlines, and I can't think of any way to do this except through some visual display like in ical. So I end up adding these in a 'deadlines' calendar within ical and adding them as tasks to OF just for completeness sake, when really I end up referencing Ical to decide what to do next.

If there was some calendar component to OF, or a syncing ability that's more than just with to-dos in ical it'd be a great help here!