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Make due date today by default Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello -

Does anyone know if it is possible to enter a due date by default (ie today) ??

That would help me a lot.


There's no way to do this that I'm aware of - we've got a default for the due *time* but not date. Generally, I just type 'today' into an action if I want it to be due today.

I'll add a feature request for this - interested parties should send email to if they would also like to see this added.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-04-01 at 01:28 PM..
I'll grit my teeth and bear it if this feature is added :-) but I think it's a bad idea. The result, for me at least, would be way more actions "due" today than I could do in a week. That means the due dates would be notional, not real, and I'd be tempted to ignore the real ones.

It's tempting to assign due dates that are really just "I want this to be done" dates, but it's counterproductive in the long run. Save due dates for things that are actually due, as in you have an agreement or an obligation to get them done by the due date. If the worst thing that can happen to you when a due date arrives is that you have to move it forward, then it wasn't really a due date to begin with. There are better ways in OmniFocus to note your priorities, such as flags or changing task order in parallel projects and using the Next Action filter.

(And yes, I know it could be made a feature that could be turned off, but every additional feature has an opportunity cost to the developers. I'd rather see the manual sort features improved.)
Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
(And yes, I know it could be made a feature that could be turned off, but every additional feature has an opportunity cost to the developers. I'd rather see the manual sort features improved.)
I'm with brianogilvie. I would love to see some more manual sort options in the Edit->Sort menu. I just sent a feature request to OG today, in fact.
I may have to stand corrected. brianogilvie is right. It goes against the GTD ethos to just say something is due as default !

Better to leave it the way it is I think !!!

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