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OmniPlan 1.6 Beta 1 Released! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey everybody, OmniPlan 1.6 Beta 1 is ready for public beta testing! If you saw the Sneaky Peek announcement but wanted to hang back for the beta, now is the time!

Please keep in mind that this release is still under development. There are many changes in this version which you can read about in our complete release notes here, but some of the highlights of OmniPlan 1.6 (for those of you who didn't check out the Sneaky Peek) include:
  • Importing Microsoft Project 2007 is now supported.
  • Dragging on the Gantt chart no longer gets stuck with some third party mouse input drivers (Wacom tablet mouse and Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing software, to name two).
  • Fixed a number of rounding errors that resulted in slightly incorrect or weirdly formatted time spans ("1h 1s", or "59m 60s" instead of "1h").
In OmniPlan 1.6 Beta 1, we fixed a bug where undoing changes to resource assignments for fixed duration tasks resulted in incorrect duration and effort, as well as corrected some minor rounding errors in leveling that resulted in a rare infinite loop. We also fixed code that was intended to find and correct the problem that sometimes caused bad resource allocation when the assigned resource has no normal working hours in their schedule.

Your feedback will help us improve the software and we apologize if it breaks your computer, corrupts your files, and ruins your weekend.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments. You can contact us directly via our support page or by using the Send Feedback feature in your copy of OmniPlan.

OK, enough chit-chat. You can go here to download the beta!

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