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OmniFocus to Toodledo Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I had a problem. Omnifocus does not have the ability to generate timed alerts. There are some tasks that require a context AND have to be done at a specific time. I want to have reminders that make this happen on my iPhone.

To do this, you can use the web based action item list Toodledo ( There are free accounts that are fairly complete and the include the capability to send an SMS message to your phone. Since I use iPhone and there are not yet push notifications, this is the perfect answer but it also would work on any cell phone.

When you create a Toodledo account, you get an email address to that you can send an email to with a special syntax that will cause a todo to be created for you. You can also configure Toodledo to send an SMS message to your mobile phone (or any email address) within about an hour of the task being due.

I wrote an applescript that seems to make this work just fine. I copped portions of this from some other script posted here and I apologize to the author for not posting credit - I just can't remember where it came from. I make no representations of this working correctly or that it won't screw something up. In other words, use at your own risk. Feel free to modify.

Here it is:

property _sendToodledo : "<put your email address for Toodledo here.>"

tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
-- get the window the user is using
set |w| to first document window whose index is 1
-- find out where we are and if there's anything we can do

set theItems to selected trees of content of |w|

-- Detect common failure modes and explain

if ((count of theItems) is 0) then
display alert ¬
"Select an action to " & toolName message "You have not selected an action"
end if

if ((count of theItems) is greater than 1) then
display alert ¬
"Select just one action to " & toolName message "You have selected more than one item, please select just one"
end if

set selectedItem to value of item 1 of theItems

if ((class of selectedItem) is inbox task) then
display alert ¬
"Sorry, action not supported" message "Actions in inbox do not reveal their projects in version " & toolVersion & " of " & toolName
end if

if ((class of selectedItem) is not task) then
display alert ¬
"Select an action to " & toolName message "You have selected something that isn't an action"
end if

set _dueDate to (get due date of selectedItem as date)
on error
set _dueDate to "None"
end try

set _note to (get note of selectedItem)
on error
set _note to ""
end try

set _project to the name of (get containing project of selectedItem)
on error
set _project to "None"
end try

set _context to the name of (get context of selectedItem)
on error
set _contect to "None"
end try

set _subject to the name of selectedItem
on error
set _subect to "No Subject"
end try

set _body to "" & _subject & space & "!! "
set _body to _body & "#" & _dueDate & space
set _body to _body & "*" & _project & space
set _body to _body & "@" & _context & space
set _body to _body & "=" & (time string of _dueDate)

set note of selectedItem to ((current date) as string) & " " & "sent followup up email " & return & _note

end tell

tell application "Mail"
set _signature to ""
set _body to _body & return & _signature
set _id to (make new outgoing message with properties {subject:_body, content:_body})
tell _id
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:"Toodledo", address:_sendToodledo}
end tell
set win_index to (get index of front window)
set visible of outgoing message 1 to true
send _id
end tell
tell application "OmniFocus"
end tell
Very nice - thanks very much! I'm including info on this in a summary post I'm writing.

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