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Any thoughts on best way to capture & maintain a reading list? I'm using OF on iPad. Perhaps another Single-Action list (is that possible) just for my reading list?

You can have dozens of single action lists if you like.

I use a single action list to keep track of things I want to read (or watch, or hear, in separate lists). Once I have the book in hand, I'll sometimes make a little project with a daily repeating action to read a chapter or two to keep it moving along, if needed.
It appears I created projects for each of the books I wanted to read. I'm using OmniFocus on the Mac. What's the easiest way to convert all of those "book projects" into single-action tasks in a single-action list? Thanks.
Make a new single action list (or decide on an existing list) to hold the reading list. Now select each of the accidental projects in the sidebar (you can cmd-click on items to build up the selection if they are sprinkled about), and drag the selection into that single action list. The projects will be turned into actions or action groups in the single action list. It works the other way, too, if you need to convert parts of a project (or actions in the Inbox) into projects. Select them, then use the Outdent function (cmd-[ or Edit->Outlining->Outdent) to bump them out to the project level.
That did the trick. Thanks for taking the time to reply and for being so helpful.

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