You can admire them with the cover flow way of managing them...
kidding aside, an outliner is just that, an outliner. Exporting as text (albeit with perhaps unwanted -'s) will allow you to bring it into Pages to edit and format to your heart's content.
What I wouldn't do for Scrivener on the iPad!
Unfortunately Pages doesn't exactly play well with others either. I might recommend an Office substitute (office2 or quickoffice) for more flexible file management.
If you are particularly attached to pages, see OO as a text outliner until they start exporting in either pages or .doc file formats. You can export as HTML and then import into Word and then export as .doc and then import into Pages if you are that desperate.
GoodReader opens the HTML files unfortunately you can't export from GoodReader into any usable format. I'm looking at other solutions too. If you discover anything then please let us know.