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Total effort in Task list Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I am sure I'm missing something obvious, but I am curios how I display a running total of the efforts in the task list?

You can view the total effort by clicking on the text in the bottom-left corner of the OmniPlan window, near the create and delete buttons.

If you need to see the total effort in the task outline, you'll need to create a group task at the very top of the outline that includes every task in your project so OmniPlan can add everything up.
That works for now, although, there was no-way to know where to click. That's not very good UI design ;)

Can we get a feature request in to get static total for effort and duration somewhere in the task list without having to group the tasks?

If you have a project with potentially 70-80 tasks, all tasks appear are a part of the first task group.
Originally Posted by sbjordal View Post
That works for now, although, there was no-way to know where to click. That's not very good UI design ;)

Can we get a feature request in to get static total for effort and duration somewhere in the task list without having to group the tasks?

If you have a project with potentially 70-80 tasks, all tasks appear are a part of the first task group.
We do want to make project status info at the bottom of the window easier to find in later versions of OmniPlan. What if OmniPlan remembered what was displayed in the status area during a save? That way, you could just click to show the total effort and duration once and every time you reopened the file after a save it would still display the total.

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