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For some reason, when I create a title for an omnigraffle document, that document title also shows up on my canvas. So it appears in the header, where I would assume it would go, but then it also goes on to the upper left hand of my canvas. I am stumped.

Where is the setting to turn this off?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
What do you mean by "header" and "title?" Are you using a document template that implements them somehow? Or are you perhaps referring to the top of the document window and the name of the document file?

In either case, try searching for part of the OG variable-syntax identifier: "<%". That will locate variables used in the document, and you might find "<%Document%>" or the like somewhere. If it's in your default template, that could be the source of the spurious "title." (To locate the default template, go to File>Resource Browser. Select Templates in the left sidebar. The default template will have a checkmark by its name.)

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