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Can't assign clipping shortcut Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have two computers I've got OmniFocus installed on (both running latest Leopard) and on one of them I've assigned Ctrl-G as my clipping shortcut and it works great. I don't remember having to unassign this from the system preferences as a shortcut for something else.

I just installed the other one this week, and when I went to assign the same shortcut, OmniFocus tells me it's already taken as a system-wide shortcut for something else. But I have no clue WHAT it's assigned to--it doesn't seem to do anything, and it doesn't show up on the System Preferences Keyboard Shortcut settings anywhere, so I couldn't reassign it if I wanted to.

Anybody know what that shortcut is, and why it would exist on one Mac and not another? Any idea how to override it? Thanks...

Seriously, no one has any reply to this? I thought I was going to get slammed with responses telling me how stupid and trivial my question was.
It is possible that its used as a shortcut by a third party application's Service, especially if you have different apps installed on the two machines (check your Services menu to see if that is the case).

Anyway, I go for broke with mine and use ctrl-option-cmd-space to do my quick entry into OmniFocus... not much chance of any conflict there (I hope!) ;)
There is an issue with PPC Macs and setting certain clipping shortcut combinations.

Is one of these macs running a PPC processor?
Originally Posted by xmas View Post
There is an issue with PPC Macs and setting certain clipping shortcut combinations.

Is one of these macs running a PPC processor?
Yes, actually--the one that works fine with Ctrl-G is an Intel, the one that doesn't is a PPC. I've tried gobs of key combinations and hardly anything's available, so it's definitely a problem somewhere. Any workaround you're aware of? Thanks...
One workaround is to use a different key combination, of course. I recommend cmd-shift-, (aka cmd-<) which corresponds nicely to the clipping shortcut hardwired in OmniOutliner (cmd-shift-. or cmd->). It works with both Intel and PPC, and Omni's CEO uses it, so I think it will keep working for the foreseeable future :-)
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
One workaround is to use a different key combination, of course. I recommend cmd-shift-, (aka cmd-<) which corresponds nicely to the clipping shortcut hardwired in OmniOutliner (cmd-shift-. or cmd->). It works with both Intel and PPC, and Omni's CEO uses it, so I think it will keep working for the foreseeable future :-)
Also having problem with assigning a keyboard shortcut that works in Mail. Trying to use MailTags to send select emails to OmniFocus Quick Entry. Get system Alert Sound no matter what short I use. I have checked existing shortcuts in Mail, Apple system shortcut preferences, and QuicKeys shortcuts. Can find no conflicts. My assignment of Cmd-shift. works fine in TextEdit. I am running OS X 10.5.6 on an Intel iMac. Suggestions???

Last edited by RRW; 2009-04-04 at 10:59 PM..
RRW, just to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, is your shortcut command-shift-period, or is it it command-right angle bracket (>)?

Since period and > both live on the same key, the only way to hit that keyboard combo is to hold down shift and hit the decimal key on the 10-key pad. (Since shift+. gets you the ">" character.)

Gah... I just checked in the latest OmniFocus 1.6.1 sneakypeek; the clippings shortcut field does read command-shift-period if you hit those keys on the main keyboard, not command-angle bracket.

Yep... and if you do hit command-shift-ten key period, the shortcut fires off.

I'm writing that up as a bug. Apologies!
Hmmm, I've just installed OF on my new laptop with SL 10.6.2 and now I can't record a Clippings Shortcut (I want ctrl-option-command-right arrow) but nothing seem to get recorded and it doesn't seem to work (and yes, I've restarted program and to be quite sure I've also rebooted my computer). Any idea what is causing thing and how to fix it. (OF 1.7.5)
I too was having weird issues with assigning a clipping shortcut.

I recently upgraded to snow leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.2) and I noticed Clipping from other applications into OmniFocus stopped working. I went into the OmniFoucs preferences to try to record a Clippings Keyboard Shortcut but it didn't want to take/record it.

I looked in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Services and saw OmniFocus:Send to Inbox was checked but no keyboard shortcut was listed. I also saw OmniOutliner: Add to clippings was checked and it listed a keyboard shortcut and that worked fine for OmniOutliner. But I couldn't clip anything for OmniFocus.

It appears there's an issue with recording and storing the keyboard shortcut for clipping.

I screwed around with it for quite a while and finally managed to get a clipping shortcut recorded and everything went back to normal. Honestly I'm not really sure what steps it took to get the clipping shortcut recorded but here's my best guess at how to get it to record:

1) Go into System Preferences -> Keyboard -> goto Keyboard Shortcuts -> look at the Services and find OmniFocus:Send to Inbox. If there is no keyboard shortcut listed then you need to get one in there.

2) Now go into your OmniFoucs preferences -> clippings, and try to record a keyboard shortcut. OmniFocus will complain about System Preferences being open and ask you to quit. Go ahead and quit and hopefully your keyboard shortcut will actually be recorded this time.

The steps above worked for me. Hope this helps someone.

NOTE - maybe having System Preferences open had nothing to do with it ... it might have been me trying different keyboard combinations until one took ... I noticed that the keyboard shortcut won't record if OmniFocus doesn't like the combination you want ... so maybe it all comes down to the combination you are trying to put in ... the one that worked for me is Command Shift , (cmd-shift-comma).

Last edited by itmiller; 2010-02-17 at 08:36 AM..

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