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WebDav problem with OSX Server 10.5 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm having trouble getting Onmifocus to sync with webdav. I've set up a webdav server using OSX Server and can create files on the server when I mount the webdav directory through the finder on my desktop computer. I can also browse to it using Safari on my iPhone so I'm fairly confident that I've got the basic webdav service running correctly. I can sync my Ominfocus with my iphone using bonjour.

When I try to sync using webdav from either device I get the same error:

"Unable to synchronize database with server.

Could not access the WebDAV location < details../OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-aefp6bPIslx/>.

Please make sure that the location set in your Sync preferences actually exists."

The console log on the client has this in it:

06/12/2008 23:03:13 OmniFocus[827] sync terminated with error: {
code = 409;
domain = "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.XMLData.DAVHTTP.ErrorDoma in";
userInfo = {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Could not access the WebDAV location <https:// <<URL>> /OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-aefp6bPIslx/>.";
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "Please make sure that the location set in your Sync preferences actually exists.";
NSUnderlyingError = {
code = 409;
domain = "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.XMLData.DAVHTTP.ErrorDoma in";
userInfo = {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to perform WebDAV operation.";
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "The <<DNS Name>> server returned \U201cconflict\U201d (409) in response to a request to \U201cMKCOL /Omnifocus/Tom/OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-aefp6bPIslx\U201d.";
errorData = <....lots of hex...>;
errorDataContentType = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";
errorString = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>409 Conflict</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>Conflict</H1>\nMissing one or more intermediate collections. Cannot create resource /<<path>>/OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-aefp6bPIslx. [409, #0]<P>\n<HR>\n<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.41 Server at <<DNS Name>> Port 443</ADDRESS>\n</BODY></HTML>\n";

The apache eror log on the server has this to offer:

[Sat Dec 6 23:20:00 2008] [error] [client] (2)No such file or directory: Missing one or more intermediate collections. Cannot create resource <<path>>/OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-ir5D6YOs7ih. [409, #0]

Help: what have I missed? I'm running out of ideas!


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