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Omit Email Body from "Send to Inbox" Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I would like to omit the email body (including attachments) from the "Send to Inbox" action from (ie Clip-o-Tron). All I want in the notes of the action is the link to the original email.

I've searched thru the forums and tried a few hacks to the MailAction.applescript but have not had success. I may have missed it in my searches but there is a lot of content on this subject.

Any help on an easy way to do this or editing of the existing applescript would be appreciated.
I've been looking to do this also. I have no need for all the body text cluttering up my omnifocus db.

A workaround is to select a blank line before invoking the hotkey, because the selected text is added to the task.
Why are you using the clip-o-tron then? That's what it does.

You should uninstall the clip-o-tron. Then, if you highlight text and use send to inbox, _only_ the selected text will be included with the email, along with a link to the original message.
Thanks. I am aware of the select text method to avoid the entire email and it is what I do today. I probably should of elaborated a little more on why I wanted this so I will attempt to do that.

I prefer keyboard short cut methods as I work thru email inbox. The ease of doing a key command when a message is selected and it sends it directly to OF without me having to select text in the email itself is my preferred flow. Basically I am trying to cut out the process of selecting text in the email and just have the selected message sent with the subject as the task title and the notes containing a link back to the message.

It may sound like I am cutting out a simple step but I like to drive thru my email inbox as quick as possible sending all follow-up tasks to OF for processing when I am ready. I can live with my current implementation but thought I'd ask if anyone knew how to send a selected message(s) directly to OF thru the keyboard shortcut with only the link back to the message.
What if with one operation you could remove the message bodies from those actions in OmniFocus, would that make life better? You'd plow through your mailbox clipping everything into OmniFocus, then go to your OmniFocus Inbox, select all the new items and run a script that purged the notes of everything except the link to the original message.
An additional script to cleanup actions still seems like an unnecessary post process step although feasible. Awhile back when I was playing around with The Hit List there was a script that did exactly what I'm talking about but I haven't had time to go in and build one for OF yet.

Thanks for the replies. It sounds like know has the script or easy hack of the existing one so it may be time for me to just sit down and write it myself ;-)
AFAIK this isn't currently possible, but we do have an open feature request on this behavior in our development database. Please email the support ninjas so they can vote for that change on your behalf. Thanks!

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