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Items with No Due Date (how to make a perspective) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to create a perspective that just shows the items in a single context that have no due date assigned?

Specifically, I'm looking to make a perspective with all waiting for context items that don't have a due date attached to them.

I'm really hoping to do this without having those little "grouped by" triangle things, because I'm on a laptop and they end up taking up a lot of screen real estate. I just want a list of the stuff with no due dates.

Another question. It is kind of unrelated, but maybe someone knows the answer: Is it possible to change the sort order of due date from oldest at the top of the list to newest at the top of the list?


Originally Posted by kingsinger View Post
Is it possible to create a perspective that just shows the items in a single context that have no due date assigned?

Specifically, I'm looking to make a perspective with all waiting for context items that don't have a due date attached to them.

I'm really hoping to do this without having those little "grouped by" triangle things, because I'm on a laptop and they end up taking up a lot of screen real estate. I just want a list of the stuff with no due dates.
I'm afraid grouping is your only option currently. Group by due date, collapse all the groups except No Due. Select your context in the sidebar. Select the No Due Date group in the main pane. Save the perspective. Make sure it's set to restore layout, expansion, and selection. You'll have a few collapsed groups at the top, but it isn't too awful to scroll past them.

Another question. It is kind of unrelated, but maybe someone knows the answer: Is it possible to change the sort order of due date from oldest at the top of the list to newest at the top of the list?
Not currently. Use Help → Send Feedback feature suggestions to get them entered in the development database. (See this sticky thread at the top of the forum for details.)



Thanks Curt. I suspected this was the case, but hoped it was otherwise.

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