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Importing CSV Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've got a client who's keeping his part of a project in a spreadsheet and I want to import his stuff into my plan. I'm told that MS project does this (though I'm not a user). Can this be done in OmniPlan?

In the release notes for Beta 6 I found the following "Minor Fix"

The column mapping panel on import from OmniOutliner and CSV
formats is now resizable and allows the ability to add
custom data columns.
The way I read that it sounds like I can import CSV formatted data into OmniPlan, but I've looked high and low and can't find an import function nor a way to paste data from a spreadsheet into task viewer.
Just drag and drop the CSV file onto OmniPlan's dock icon, or if you use the File > Open menu, you should be able to select the CSV file from there as well.
Greg's instructions will give you a new project file from the csv file, not integrate it into your existing project. So you'll then have to select the tasks in that new project, copy them, and paste them into your original project.
Thanks for the tip, I would have never thought you could just "open" a csv. Perhaps an Import menu pick would be more obvious, for now it could do csv and MS Proj formats? Typically users (or me anyway) think of "open" for native formats and "import" for other formats.

So now that I have this working, I'm having trouble importing duration. My comma separated csv looks like this:

"Task","Duration","Start" "Resources","Comments/Notes"
"CLT Alpha Buildout",,06/23/2006,,
"CAMS Order Placed","1d",06/23/2006,"Chung Daniel",
"HW Build Review/Meeting","2d",07/26/2006,"Wan Feiwen",invite Bill
"Build specs received","4d",07/27/2006,"Yu Tehhen, Chung Daniel,"
"Deploy Doc updated","1d",08/02/2006,"Wan Feiwen",
When I import it all my durations are showing up as 1 day (1d), except "build specs" which shows up as "4h" not 4d or 1d. Very odd. What's the expected format for the duration field when it imports? Does this have something to do with the fact that my spreadsheet exported such that the duration field is enclosed in quotes?

Thanks for the tips!

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