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Creating action groups within a project Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am using the latest iPhone version of OF on my iPad and have been trying to figure out how to create an action group within a project and have had no luck. I can do it on my Mac easy enough but that's at home.

I did a search of the forum and was only able to find one post on this from whpalmer4 dated 2009-09-30. He provided instructions that pretty much follow the manual for doing this. (thanks whpalmer4 by the way) He basically says to go to the project, tap the + to create the parent action, then tap + again to create the first action, then tap that new action and tap the folder button to get the "Move action" screen to select the parent action to move it under.

When I do this exactly as stated I get into the "Move action" screen but the parent action is not listed there for me to select. The only thing listed is the actual project that the parent action is listed under. What am I missing here?
I wouldn't listen to anything that whpalmer guy tells you :)

There's a display bug in 1.7 that is rearing its ugly head here. If you simply turn the iPad 90 degrees when you are in the screen where you select where you want to refile the action, you should force a redisplay and see all of the options, not just the top level item.
Works perfect doing this, thanks!

As soon as I read your response I remembered reading about having to do this for something but I don't remeber what the bug was, Obviously it was for this... wonder why it didn't show up in my search.

Either way, thanks again for your help, I'm off and running.
Perhaps not surprising that your search didn't turn it up, as I don't see the words "action" or "group" in the thread:

Glad you're back in business! I feel partially responsible that this one escaped into the wild -- it turns out I came across it during the alpha test, at the very end, but didn't have an opportunity to write it up and submit it before they shipped :(
Added some keywords to that other thread.

And you may be being a bit too hard on yourself, whpalmer4 - you found a few other issues before they shipped, if I remember correctly. :-)
Thanks Brian, I don't know why I didn't think of doing that, after all - I'm the one that couldn't find it until whpalmer4 pointed out the way. I will remember for the next time...

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