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Creating New Action in Project ignored Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I created a new project, which worked normally, so I entered it. I created a first action within it, and it inherited the Context and Project as expected. Attempting to create subsequent actions from within the Project goes to /dev/null.

No error, no warning, no message, and no action.

Go to Inbox. Create new item, adding title, context, and project. Save. It's not listed in the Inbox, and it's not in the Project.

Finally, go to Inbox, create new item adding name. Save to exit action. Open action again and add Context and Project, and Save. It disappears from Inbox. Yaaay. It's not in Project. WTF-ing-F?!

OmniFocus for iPhone v1.7.2, on iPhone 3GS running iOS4
Sounds like you should give the support ninjas a ring. 1-800-315-OMNI
Unsure what view filtering options were chosen in Settings when this was happening, but it sounds like one of them was hiding the action(s) in question.

If you use the search field on the home screen of the app to look for the actions by name, do they appear?

If so, you may want to try choosing "Remaining" for the "In projects, show" and "In contexts, show" settings - that'll hide the fewest number of actions.

Sorry for the trouble - does that help?

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