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bezier line + circle, initial magnetic does not stay fixed Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

Searching through the OmniGraffle General forum I saw a related but non-identical issue. Here is a simple way to re-create the problem.

1. Create a circle with two magnets in the W, E position.
2. Select the Bezier tool and start drawing a curve from the left that connetcts to W magnet.
3. Try to draw another Bezier curve that starts at the W magnet and ends just above the center of the circle. When you do, the beginning of the 2nd Bezier curve slides along the circumference of the circle.

If you start a curve at a magnet, you expect the beginning it to stay put and not slide around. I am attaching the figure which I was trying to draw. The line was created in for segments. Two separate horizontal lines that meet the circle on the W, E. Plus, two additional segments that come from just inside the circumference of the circle and meet at the top center. It took me a while to coerce OmniGraffle (latest edition) to do this.

It seems the best thing you could do is suppress the aforementioned behavior by clicking on the circle and un-checking: Allow connection from lines. But then you have nullified the benefits of the magnets. Maybe we need an additional function called an 'anchor'

Nichols A. Romero
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ID:	1623  

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