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Why are projects showing up in my perspective? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Ok, first I am brand spanking new to OmniFocus but been a things user for a while and have read GTD so feel I have a good foundation there.

I created an at office perspective, shows me my most urgent projects, the office contexts (online, email, phone that stuff) but I am getting some weird things. I have some projects actually showing up in the perspective views:

This is the perspective breakdown:

Also might be important to know that these projects have no tasks in them, they are currently empty. Also this might be related but it these projects were also showing up in the context view with no context. I applied a context but really I did not want to as the action could be any context, why are projects even showing in that view?

Thanks in advance!
Either choose View->Hide Parent Items in Context Mode, deselect the No Contexts bin from the sidebar, or assign a context (or some more actions) to those projects and they will not appear. The projects show up in an available actions context mode view to indicate to you that the project is ready for completion or addition of more actions. As long as there are actions remaining, the project itself will remain out of sight when viewing available actions.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Either choose View->Hide Parent Items in Context Mode, deselect the No Contexts bin from the sidebar, or assign a context (or some more actions) to those projects and they will not appear. The projects show up in an available actions context mode view to indicate to you that the project is ready for completion or addition of more actions. As long as there are actions remaining, the project itself will remain out of sight when viewing available actions.
Awesome, thanks so much!

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