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I have the iPhone one running on iPad? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I restored my iPad from an iPhone backup, to get my apps and settings to transfer over. My OmniFocus app came too, but it's running small. Is the iPad version a real one (full-screen for iPad) or is it just the iPhone one (for small screen)? If the former, how do I replace the iPad version of it with the big-screen iPad version?


iPad OmniFocus is a native app; there's no mistaking it for the iPhone one. However, the iPhone one does run on the iPad, of course.

I would delete the app (after syncing any changes you've made on it) by touching and holding until the apps start jiggling and you get a little x in a circle at the upper left corner of the non-Apple icons. Then click the x. I recommend that you then reboot the iPad before installing the iPad app via the App Store. There were some little gotchas during the beta with the iOS code wanting to hand things to the wrong OmniFocus (even if it was no longer installed) but if memory serves me well, rebooting after removing the iPhone app but before installing the iPad app cleared it up.

It is a separate product, and you'll have to fork over some scratch to have the iPad version (I think it is worth it).
super, thanks.

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