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Help with sql error message? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello ... I am running Omnifocus 1.9 on Mac OSX....

I keep getting the error message "unable to execute SQL". It seems to be running OK, but everytime I perform any kind of action, whether its within a task, editing or typing, I get this error message. So its not really effecting functionality, its just a real pain and is probably doubling the input time (which sort of defeats the point). I just shut the message and continue doing what I am doing. I cannot see anything else wrong.

I have tried to shut it down and restart - it prompts me to save, and when I try to save, I get the message:

"The document “OmniFocus” could not be saved. Unable run SQL for statement 'BEGIN EXCLUSIVE'" and I shut that down to go back to the main screen. Still the same problems.

It seems to synch OK, so there is probably an online backup; I just dont want to force quit and find I lose my current tasks ....

Can you help?
I think you should contact Omni Group's support folks. That seems like a surprising error- are you using dropbox to synchronize?
No, it has nothing to do with Dropbox, and I get it (and report it) frequently. There's a bit of suspicion that it might be some interaction between making a change while a sync is taking place...

Definitely make a report to Omni if you're seeing this; I think there might be an unconscious tendency to rationalize away some of my bug reports as artifacts of an outsized database, but if others are reporting it as well, it should get more attention.
There's a few different possible solutions posted to this problem on a different thread. Here


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