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Script for linking to an email in the attachment? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey again,

This is a more complicated question. When I send an email, I'll create a task such as "Waiting on reply from so-and-so", set the Start to the current date and then drag the email in to the attachment field so I can quickly jump back to the email.

Is there a script out there that would do this automatically when I reply to an email (similar to the send to OmniFocus button)? This would save so much time and keep me very organised.

Thanks for your help,

the problem here is that Mail does not offer the possibility to create Rules for outgoing messages.

As far as I know, Mail Act-On ( adds this functionality to Mail, however I haven't tested this.

So, you'd need to install Mail Act-On and then test the following :
  • Can I create rules for outgoing messages? (Answer should be yes as this is an advertised functionality of Mail Act-On)
  • Can I define the necessary critera to identity THOSE outgoing messages I want to create a task for? (I presume you DON'T want to create a new task for ALL outgoing messages).
  • Can I fire an Applescript in the Action section? (you can for incoming messages but as mentioned above, I don't know Mail Act-On and thus have no idea as to the possibilities it offers)

If all the above is ok and you're willing to invest the 25$ for Mail Act-On then this should be possible.

Here's a link to an Applescript I wrote and use to add tasks from Mail to OmniFocus
You'll however need to modify this script slightly to make it Mail Rule compatible. Feel free to ask if you need help with this last part.

Thanks for your help, I'll have to look in to that!

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