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Object resized after copy as PDF then paste and edit Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I found this functionality quite useful, especially with many canvases.

However, when I copy as PDF then paste again, the object seems to gain few pixels both in width and height, as shown in the inspector panel.
I have an object 300x300 that became 304x304.

Then, when editing main document, if I resize the object to proper size, from 304 to 300px in my case, the object get smaller, compared to others 300px wide elements.

What am I doing wrong ?

The object is just a square with a 0,5 border.

I have the same problem - did you manage to figure out a solution?

I noticed with one of the objects that turning on/off shadows on an interior element made a difference. The shadow was nowhere near the edge (ie: it should not have been increasing the size of the object).

This is a pretty big problem as I'm trying to assemble a lot of modular objects that match in width - and the copy as pdf is changing the width on one of them, messing up all the alignments.
It turns out that if ANY shapes have a stroke, the extra space will be added. It doesn't matter if the stroke is extremely thin.

So, it's not a fix, but you can avoid the resizing issue if you only use shapes without a stroke.


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