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Preview exported images (actual pixels)? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
As I'm using Omnigraffle to generate actual artwork going into my app, I'd love to have some way to see what the actual output would look like without having to export and then either bring it back in or look at it in some other package. The specific issue is one of understanding how the actual pixels are rendered, etc. (i.e. how does a vector that covers part of a pixel actually export to a bitmap).

If anybody's used 'Sketch' it's got a really nice feature where you can preview pixels instead of vectors, allowing you to zoom in and tweak things. If the 'zoom' level for the main viewer had a toggle somewhere that said 'actual pixels' (which would obviously need to be based on output settings) that would be awesome.

Anybody have any other solutions, or is there something that I'm missing?

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