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Measurement Units Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I use Omni Outliner 3.6.2 in the UK. My guess is that this is a European installation, I can't remember. Anyway the default measurement units in the ruler are centimetres. People over 40 in the UK tend to think in inches pre-dating UK decimalisation as we do. I have tried looking for some way to change the default measurement units to inches but there doesn't seem to be one. To make matters worse if I change the units to inches in the current window they don't seem to stay inches if I close the window and reopen it then it is back to centimetres :( This is true even if I make changes to the window contents, save it like that with units as inches then close it. The unit is back to centimetres.

Perhaps there is something I have missed?

Thank you

You need to save a new New Document Template with inches set as the ruler. In OmniOutliner Pro, this is easy - in Preferences>General click the Edit New Document Template button and set up things the way you want them to be, including the ruler measurements, then save it. From now on, new documents will open from that template. In OmniOutliner (non-Pro) you have to use a workaround and I forget what it is.

I've got OmniOutliner non-Pro. I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the workaround is that you mention.

PS I'm hugely impressed with OmniOutliner and quite keen on getting Pro actually.
Mmm this should work exactly the same in non-pro. Let me know if it doesn't.
Have I confused this with something else that you can't do in non-Pro? My apologies.
Originally Posted by DerekM View Post
Mmm this should work exactly the same in non-pro. Let me know if it doesn't.
Hello DerekM

Unfortunately this doesn't work :(

The "New Document Template" behaves just like any other file in that the ruler always goes back to centimetres when document is closed and reopened. It doesn't seem to be possible to get it to remember inches as measurement unit.

Hmm interesting, well if you like to work in inches for everything, if you change the measurement units in the OS X prefs to US (system prefs -> international -> formats), it will fix this. I'll see if there's some OO only fix.
So this is an issue with both version of OmniOutliner. Having your measurement units set to metric in sys prefs prevents you from saving inches as the measurement unit in OmniOutliner. We'll see if we can fix this.
First, thank you very much, I hadn't noticed that "US/metric" menu in system preferences -> interenational -> formats. I have changed it now to "US" and this seems to be fine with OmniOutliner.

Second, I am quite pleased that I seem to have accidentally encountered a small bug :)

It is a fabulous outliner so it is good to assist in even a very small way.

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