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Link-back to "Original Mesage" in Mail now broken? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does anyone have this working successfully?

My clipping service out of the Mail list works fine. What now doesn't work is the ability to click the "Original Message" link and have it open the mail message.

I know it was working.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!



Running Leopard 10.5.2
Have MailTags installed
This seems to be working fine for me, at least in the brief test I tried just now.

Have you tried dragging a message from Mail into an OmniFocus note field? Does that produce a working link for you?

FWIW, I do not have MailTags installed but am running 10.5.2.
Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
This seems to be working fine for me, at least in the brief test I tried just now.

Have you tried dragging a message from Mail into an OmniFocus note field? Does that produce a working link for you?

FWIW, I do not have MailTags installed but am running 10.5.2.
Toadling - Thanks for the reply -

that works for me as well.

It doesn't work when using the clippings shortcut and the Mail Clip-O-Tron 3000, where it automatically copies the message into the notes field and places a link back to the "original message".

If you have a chance to check that, it would be great!
Pete P, the Clip-O-Tron 3000 seems to be working on my system. I select a message in Mail's inbox, hit my key combo, and the message gets sent to OmniFocus' Quick Entry window. From there, I send it to my OmniFocus inbox, open the note field, and click the "Original Message" link, and the email opens in Mail in a new message window.

I'm not sure why it's not working for you. But here are some ideas for troubleshooting the problem:

1) Try uninstalling and reinstalling the Clip-O-Tron 3000.

2) Save a Mail message to OmniFocus using the Clip-O-Tron 3000 and then right-click on the "Original Message" link and select "Copy Link" from the contextual menu.

3) Paste the copied URI into a TextEdit document that is formated as plain text (Format->Make Plain Text or Shift-Command-T).

4) Now go back to Mail and drag the same message to the note field of a different action. Then right click on the resulting link and select "Copy Link" again

5) Paste the copied URI onto the same TextEdit document right below the previous one so you can easily compare them.

Are they the same? When I do this on my system, the only difference I can see between the two is the Clip-O-Tron creates a URI beginning with "message://", while the dragged Mail message has a URI beginning with just "message:". Otherwise, they are identical and both seem to work.
I have this same problem. However, the problem doesn't occur with all emails -- just with all emails from a certain domain. i.e. for everyone at that particular company, this behavior is broken. For others it seems to work fine. I can't make out what may be the cause.

I do have MailTags installed, but I tried this using both "Mail" and "Mail with MailTags" -- selecting one or the other of the options. Behavior was the same for both.

Dragging the message itself into the note field creates a link that works in all cases, but it's an extra step.
Here's what (with the help of smarter, more technical people than me) I think is going on - This is the message I forwarded to Omni.

There is a definite, repeatable problem with clippings from mail programs.
If you use the clippings service and the message ID contains a % sign. The "Original Message" link will not open the message. If there is no %, it works as expected.

I have verified this behavior with Version 1.0 as well at the latest sneaky peek build.

As I understand it, Entourage always uses a % in the message IDs it generates. Apple Mail does not.

According to my technical staff, the RFC2822 standard doesn't restrict the use of %s in message IDs.

I hope this can be addressed soon.

If I've missed something, or if you need additional information.

Please let me know.

Also - I am running MailTags 2.2PB5. I get the same result whether I am using the Clip O Tron 3000 or the Mail Tags service.
Running OS 10.5.2

So, Toadling and Cat One (or any other volunteers!)
Could you check and see how Entourage mail messages behave versus Apple Mail messages.

As you probably know, if you choose, view long headers or raw source, you can see the message ID.

Thanks for your help.


Last edited by Pete P; 2008-03-11 at 08:44 PM..
I'd like to help, but I don't have MS Office and, consequently, no access to Entourage.

I had thought that the message ID was an identifier generated inside Mail for Mail's use alone. But your last response makes it sound like the message ID is actually part of some specification. Is this true?
I'm definitely out of my league here, but as I understand it, whenever we write an email in any program, the email program writes a message ID that is unique. Different vendors generate this in a slightly different way, but it's supposed to be x number of characters long, not use these characters, etc. That's the spec I mentioned. Our IT guy just said using a % as part of the ID shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure there's a lot more to it, but that's WAY over my head.

About half of the folks at our company run Entoruage and the other half Apple Mail. In general, Entourage messages I receive don't work. Mail messages seem to work fine.

So, if you happen to get an email from a known Entourage user, try clipping that and see if it works for you.
Hi Pete,

I think you're on to something. The problems I'm having I notice are all from one specific company. The people at that company use Entourage to send mail. I haven't tried with other Entourage-sent messages but could do a little experimentation tomorrow.

I have the same problem.

Strangely, it rarely happened in the past, but lately I encountered several error messages as mentioned in this thread when I use the linkback to an email message. It doesn't happen all the time for every message, but only with some emails.

As Pete P mentions, I noticed that there was a % in the email ID and it could be the same reason for this bug.

I don't use Entourage at all, only Apple Mail, and I have no idea if the person who sent me the message sent it through Entourage or not...

Is there any solution to avoid this bug?

Thanks a lot for helping,

Best Regards,


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