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Disk option for syncing Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

Just bought the OmniFocus iphone app and installed the OmniFocus 1.1 beta.

I don't have a WebDav server or a .mac account, so how can I sync my iphone with the desktop app? I noticed the 'Disk' option, can anyone shed any light on how that works?

Please tell me I'm not going to have to shell out for a mobile me account just to sync my tasks!

Ja...does this refer to the database location?

At the moment, OmniFocus needs a WebDAV server or iDisk between your computers or phones in order for them to sync up. The disk feature isn't used in OmniFocus for iPhone -- it's just a way to use a local location to sync your database (say to a thumb drive perhaps).
Omni should be clearer that users without access to a WebDAV server will not be able to sync with OmniFocus on the desktop. I suspect that many users see "Synchronized with your Mac via .Mac or WebDAV" and don't realize that means they must have a WebDAV server.

To avoid loosing those customers looking for syncing but without a WebDAV server, Omni should put up a clear tutorial on how to set one up (or, even better, make a free WebDAV setup utility).

Otherwise, there are going to be many disappointed customers...
This would be extremely helpful
count me in... I'm a web dev so I'm sure I'll figure how to setup a wevdav server locally, but a good old synch when pluggin the iPhone in the doc is an assumed functionality when you pay for an application... You should point that out clearly somewhere...
Do you know of any easily understandable resource that could guide me in setting up a local webdav server?
Do I understand correctly that I MUST purchase or web dav somewhere to use the software I just paid for? Even apple allows for sync directly from mac to iPhone! This is not good. And very dissapointing of not outright misleading.
Apple doesn't offer 3rd party developers the option of using the wired sync conduit that it uses for its own applications. You can use the WebDAV service installed on your own Mac, you've just got to turn it on.

The OmniFocus for iPhone product page says in big letters:

Synchronized with your Mac via .Mac or WebDAV.

How is that misleading?

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