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OF iPhone up and running!!! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I was brave and installed the leaked iPhone 2.0 firmware this morning with no problems. If you are so inclined, details are here:

OF was of course the first app I bought. Installed with no problems, looks beautiful so far! This is REALLY going to make the iPhone a truly functional remote capture device. It really is a miniature version of OF; same look and feel.

Great job Omni!!!

Guess I need to get back to work ;)
I tried the location feature and it works as advertised. Entered a shopping list before I left. When I got to the store, I set up a context for the grocery store and gave it a location, and assigned the list to the context. Like magic, the phone told me what contexts were nearby, and just my shopping list popped up. A little creepy at first, like Big Brother is watching you, but I think with time this could prove to be handy.

One other thing: Not to add fire to the flag debate, but the iPhone app has a filter on the main page for flagged items. So one good use of flags would be to flag items before you leave that you want to do on the go, and it will be a very easy matter to retrieve those on the phone when out and about.

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