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Sync failure for Office-iPhone-Home scenario Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Omni Response:

This has been filed internally at Omni as:
<bug://bugs/48533> (Sync failure for Office-iPhone-Home scenario [overwrite])

If you are also experiencing this issue please
Email OmniFocus Support
Original User Question:

Just an alert that at least for me, the Office-iPhone-Home sync scenario just failed badly.

Setup a database at home over the weekend with sneakypeaks and iPhone 2.0.

Go to work, start up sneakypeaks with the iDisk overwriting so everything is in agreement. Did it first thing this morning... all looks good.

Made a bunch of modications to the Office database during the day. I sync'd to iDisk. My iPhone sync'd (eventually... that's another story) and was uptodate with the modifications at work. Looks good.

Came home... started up OF... reports a sync shortly after I logged in.. but NO! It's an old version of the database. My changes are NOT sync'd. I try syncing again.. no feedback, but it says the sync happened. No changes.

Worse! A short while later I ask my iPhone to sync, and now ALL the changes I made today at work are gone!


Last edited by xmas; 2008-07-30 at 01:15 PM..
Other than the slow syncing, I can say that I have not had a similar experience. I sync between my iMac, Macbook Air and iPhone with no problems what so ever. It has been flawless. I used to always be careful to make sure that the last sync has completed on each device before I moved to the next one, now I don't even worry about that.

Not saying that your experience isn't frustrating but I don't want people to think that it is the norm either.

On the iPhone slow part and application crashes I am hopeful, nah, confident that Omnigroup will get those issues resolved in short order.
Fair enough. I guess I'll have to wait for OF staff to weigh in and explain how this might happen so I can try to figure it out. (And, are there any clues that would be left behind?) As far as I can tell all settings are correct (there's not much to 'set'). Also, of course, there were long lags between the sync at work, sync to iphone and then sync at home (i.e. all syncs were complete).
Have you contacted our support ninjas about this yet? They're at, and can look into this in more depth. (In particular, they'll probably want to walk you through getting a list of the transaction files on your server and your out-of-sync client so they can compare them.)
Yes, I've emailed about this to support.

Sync disaster continues at work this morning. First issue - looked almost ok after starting up - seemed that entries made overnight and this morning were updated at work. Good.

But I noticed that a couple of items that I had cleared yesterday and last night were still present on the list at work. Uh oh. What's that about - not a complete 'sync'? Cleared them (checked them as complete) again.

But later, got a request to reload the database... Disaster. Now I'm back with a bunch of OF entries that were cleared and/or rescheduled reverting to their old status.

Oh well. I'm shutting it down here and hoping I can rescue my iPhone copy before everything is corrupted.

Last edited by chidmf; 2008-07-15 at 11:45 AM..
I've seen a couple of cases where it said it couldn't sync because I had reverted the local database (and I knew that no such thing had happened). I hit the cancel button, synced again and everything was happy (and my data intact). It seems like that should be safe, but perhaps someone with definitive knowledge about the sync code could comment...
I've had a similar, albeit not as dramatic, experience. Stuff is dropping off, not getting checked off, etc. I have an EDGE network and the software seems a bit pokey. I've already emailed the support ninjas.

I am in the same "synching" boat.

Eager to hear of a fix.
If one's screen goes dark (i.e. times out) during a sync on the iPhone (as mine sometimes does) what effect does this have. Does the sync continue in the background even when the phone is locked or does this cause issues?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I've seen a couple of cases where it said it couldn't sync because I had reverted the local database (and I knew that no such thing had happened). I hit the cancel button, synced again and everything was happy (and my data intact). It seems like that should be safe, but perhaps someone with definitive knowledge about the sync code could comment...
I have had the same experience. I have got this error when I KNOW my data is current. I have dismissed this warning, re-synced, and all is well.

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