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Omnifocus desktop - sync with iPhone Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have bought and installed Omnifocus for both my iPhone and my iMac desktop machine. I am using an iMac 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo machine, with the latest version (10.5.4) of Leopard.
Omnifocus generally works fine on the iPhone, but so far I've only been able to successfully download and install the Sneaky Peak version of the desktop software, despite having paid full whack and purchased an Omnifocus licence (at $79) for the desktop version. When I do download the full desktop version (1.0.3.dmg English version, 14.5 MB) off the Omniweb website, it downloads okay and I drag it into my Applications folder. However, when I double click on the application to open it, I get the error message: "OmniFocus could not read this database, because it is not in a known format." I tend not to get this error message when I use the Sneaky Peak version.
Any ideas?
Originally Posted by Olly View Post
I have bought and installed Omnifocus for both my iPhone and my iMac desktop machine. I am using an iMac 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo machine, with the latest version (10.5.4) of Leopard.
Omnifocus generally works fine on the iPhone, but so far I've only been able to successfully download and install the Sneaky Peak version of the desktop software, despite having paid full whack and purchased an Omnifocus licence (at $79) for the desktop version. When I do download the full desktop version (1.0.3.dmg English version, 14.5 MB) off the Omniweb website, it downloads okay and I drag it into my Applications folder. However, when I double click on the application to open it, I get the error message: "OmniFocus could not read this database, because it is not in a known format." I tend not to get this error message when I use the Sneaky Peak version.
Any ideas?
What is it that you want? The sneaky peek version is an early pre-release of 1.1 (which will be a free upgrade) needed for iPhone sync support. As it notified you when it started up the first time, it converts your data to a new format not usable by the older 1.0.3 version. Everything the 1.0.3 version can do, the sneaky peek version can do, plus more. Why do you want to run 1.0.3?

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